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Clinical Treatment Guidelines for Alcohol and Drug Clinicians: Methamphetamine Dependence and Treatment

This resource was funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.

These guidelines assist AOD clinicians in their work with clients experiencing methamphetamine

Summary: These guidelines assist alcohol and drug clinicians in their work with clients experiencing They include a set of tools for responding to acute presentations, dependence and harms, as well as a selection of worksheets that clinicians can use with their clients to help monitor drug use, improve decision-making and problem solving skills, and plan for relapse prevention.

Developers:  Lee, N., Johns, L., Jenkinson, R., Johnston, J., Connolly, K., Hall, K. & Cash, R. (2007). Clinical Treatment Guidelines for Alcohol and Drug Clinicians. No 14: Methamphetamine dependence and treatment. Fitzroy, Victoria: Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc.

These guidelines were developed by the Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre under funding provided by the Drug Treatment Services Unit, Department of Human Services Victoria.

Year: 2007

Costs: Free

Evidence baseThis resource has undergone expert review. Refer to the guidelines for full reference list.

Page last reviewed: Friday, 25 June 2021