Ice Breaker 2
Methamphetamines (including ice and speed) are the most popular illicit drugs in Australia
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Reconstructors: Nothing to Rave About

School years: Year 7–12

Summary: Reconstructors "Nothing to Rave About" is an online narrative game that leads the player to solve drug-related cases by gathering evidence, interpreting data, conducting experiments and consulting with experts over three 45-minute episodes. Players learn about different party drugs so that they can make informed choices about them. As part of the game, players also learn to identify which parts and functions of the brain are affected by (e.g. crystal methamphetamine 'ice') and distinguish between the physiological effects of stimulants and hallucinogens.

Developers: Rice University Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning, USA.

Year: Unknown

Costs: Free

Evidence base: Benefits associated with playing have been evaluated in one published study (see below). The benefits have not yet been evaluated in an Australian sample. 

Page last reviewed: Tuesday, 14 January 2020