Ice Breaker 2
Ice will cause psychosis in all people
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Upcoming webinar: Trauma and Substance Use

This webinar will provide information about

  • The nature of trauma (including post-traumatic stress disorder) and its effects
  • The link between trauma and the use of alcohol and other drugs (including  
  • Approaches to managing and treating trauma symptoms

Webinar will take place on Tuesday 21st April (1pm to 2pm AEST) and be presented by Professor Katherine Mills from The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use located at the University of Sydney


Best practice media reporting of crystal methamphetamine

    This webinar provides information about a new resource available for the media and other communicators to report on crystal methamphetamine ('ice') in a way that isn’t stigmatising and encourages help-seeking behaviour. Expected benefits of watching this webinar include understanding best practice for reporting and communicating about crystal methamphetamine.

    Presented by Brydie Jameson, Senior Project Officer at Everymind (22nd October 2019)

    Download the PDF handout for this webinar and watch the recording below

    Current and promising treatment options for crystal methamphetamine dependence

      This two part webinar explored the current and promising treatment options for crystal methamphetamine ('ice') In the first webinar session held on Tuesday 23rd of July 2019, Professor van den Buuse (La Trobe University), Professor Kay-Lambkin (University of Newcastle) and Dr Arunogiri (Monash University) provided attendees with information on: 

      • The effects of ice on the brain
      • Challenging some of the myths about ice dependence
      • Current psychosocial and e-health treatment approaches for ice dependence
      • Latest pharmacotherapies for ice dependence being trialled in Australia

      Download the PDF handout for the first session

      Watch the recording of Part 1 below

      In this second session, Professor van den Buuse, Professor Kay-Lambkin and Dr Arunogiri returned for an interactive 30 minute panel discussion to answer questions people had about the treatment options for ice dependence.

      Watch the recording of Part 2 below

      Effects of crystal methamphetamine use during pregnancy on both the mother and baby

      The webinar provided attendees with information about how crystal methamphetamine ('ice') use in pregnancy can impact both the mother and infant, contributing to maternal complications as well as significant physical effects on the newborn infant. 

      Presented by Dr Mark Greenhalgh, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (27th March 2019)

      Download the PDF handout for this webinar

      Supporting frontline workers with key information and resources about crystal methamphetamine

      This webinar provides information about how crystal methamphetamine ('ice') affects people and communities. It also covers worker safety as well as preventing, managing and recovering from ice-related critical incidents.
      This information is relevant to frontline workers, peer workers, health professionals and the general community.

      Presented by Allan Trifonoff and Roger Nicholas, National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University (21st October 2018)

      Download the PDF handout for this webinar

      Psychosis and other mental health effects of crystal methamphetamine

      This webinar explores the mental health effects of (including crystal methamphetamine 'ice'), with a particular focus on – what it is, how common it is, the risk factors and how it differs from

      This webinar is relevant to health professionals, families and friends of people using ice, teachers, and general community members. 

      Presented by A/Prof Rebecca McKetin (8th July 2018)

      Download the PDF handout for this webinar

      Tackling stigma in a 2018 environment

      This webinar explores Jack Nagle's personal story and experiences of the drug crystal methamphetamine ('ice'). He talks about his story, explores what it's like being a young person and how to reach young people effectively in 2018.

      Presented by Mr Jack Nagle (18th March 2018)

      Download the PDF handout for this webinar.

      Please note this webinar discusses themes around drug use and suicide. If this webinar raises any concerns for you, a number of support service can be found through the ‘Get Support Now’ link or you can call Lifeline (a free and confidential 24-hour crisis helpline) directly on 13 11 14.

      Effects of crystal methamphetamine on the brain and body, and implications for responding

      This webinar will explain in plain language the effects of methamphetamine (including crystal methamphetamine 'ice') on the brain and body and the resulting impacts on functioning. This understanding will assist participants to adapt and develop more effective strategies to respond to people who use methamphetamine.

      Presented by A/Prof Nicole Lee (15th November 2017)

      Download the PDF handout for this webinar

      How to support families and friends with a loved one using methamphetamine

      This webinar describes the challenges faced by families and friends of those struggling with addiction and introduces an online support program for families and friends of addicted loved ones, which integrates the 5‐Step model (SAFE), developed by Professor Richard Velleman in the UK.

      Presented by A/Prof Frances Kay-Lambkin (4th September 2017)

      Download the PDF handout for this webinar

      Where can I find trusted evidence-based information about the drug ice?

      This webinar provides information on recent trends in use of the drug crystal methamphetamine ('ice') in Australia, and introduces a new online toolkit providing evidence-based information for the Australian community.

      Presented by Dr Cath Chapman (14th June 2017).

      How can Parents and Schools Prevent Drug Related Harms?

      This webinar provides information for parents and schools about evidence-based drug prevention.

      Presented by Dr Nicola Newton & Dr Lexine Stapinski (20th May 2015).

      Page last reviewed: Monday, 1 February 2021