Ice Breaker 2
Referring to someone dependent on ice as an “ice addict” can be stigmatising
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Treatment Approaches for Methamphetamine: A Practical Guide for Frontline Workers

Summary: These guidelines provide clear and comprehensive information about methamphetamines (including crystal methamphetamine 'ice') for frontline alcohol and other drug workers, including those without a clinical or professional background. The guidelines are based on a combination of recent research, existing national and international guidelines, and expert input.

Developers: This resource was developed by Nicole Lee and Linda Jenner in consultation with Kieran Connelly, Jacqui Cameron and Anthony Denham (Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre), and Janet Salisbury, Eve Merton and Ruth Pitt (Biotext). Development was funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.

Year: 2008

Costs: Free

Evidence baseThis resource has undergone expert review. Refer to the guidelines for full reference list.

Page last reviewed: Wednesday, 2 March 2022